Prime Super investment returns 2024
Prime Super’s MySuper investment option delivers an above industry median return at 9.00% and ranks 17 out of 461 funds in Australia.
This past financial year has yielded some strong performance for Prime Super.
Our MySuper option delivered an annual return above the industry median at 9.00%. The long term (10-years) rolling average performance is also strong, sitting above the industry median.2
Managed Growth, Australian Shares and Fixed Interest options all performed well, achieving top quartile results for 1 and 10-years.3
Overall, equities had a very strong 12 months, notwithstanding ongoing geopolitical uncertainty, continuing conflict in Ukraine and Gaza, tighter monetary policy resulting from higher cash rates and concerns of cash rates not coming down as quickly as first hoped. Most of these concerns have not been resolved and are carried into the new financial year.
Locally, the Australian consumer outlook remains cautious with continued cost of living and inflation concerns. It is expected that the tax cuts and cost of living measures that have come into effect in July will help somewhat address the diminished confidence.
Superannuation is one of the largest, and longest investments you will make. Whether you’re starting out on your super journey or at retirement, our members are encouraged to reach out to our super specialists so we can help you make your superannuation work harder for you.
Visit our Investments page for more information about our investment options and returns.
Please note, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
This article is current at the date of publication and is subject to change. It contains general information and does not take account of your specific objectives, financial situation or needs or personal circumstances. You should seek professional financial advice, consider your own circumstances and read our product disclosure statement (PDS) before making a decision about Prime Super. For a PDS and Target Market Determination call 1800 675 839 or visit the Prime Super Pty Ltd ABN 81 067 241 016 AFSL 219723 RSE L0000277 (Trustee), Prime Super ABN 60 562 335 823 RN 1000276.
1 SuperRatings Crediting Rate Survey - June 2024, SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index
2 3 SuperRatings Crediting Rate Survey - June 2024