Member publications
We have a range of information available to you, see more below.
Financial Services Guide
Financial Services Guide (FSG)
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Target Market Determination
What is a target market determination?
A Target Market Determination (TMD) is a description of what a specific super or financial product is, how it is distributed and who it is best suited to. It also describes under what circumstances the product and target market determination would be reviewed. It is a way of determining if a product is fit for purpose.
Why do we have this?
A TMD is required by section 994B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). This TMD is not to be treated as a full summary of the product’s terms and conditions and is not intended to provide financial advice. Consumers must refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and any supplementary documents which outline the relevant terms and conditions when making a decision about this product.
Target Market Determination - accumulation account
Download File size: (178 KB)Target Market Determination - income stream
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Significant Event Notices
Significant Event Notice: Insurance changes – Prime Super; 22 August 2022
Download File size: (393 KB)Significant Event Notice: Fees and costs – Prime Super; 23 May 2022
Download File size: (67 KB)Significant Event Notice: Protecting Your Super – Prime Super; 20 June 2019
Download File size: (635 KB)
Insurance Claim Philosophy
Insurance claim philosophy
To support our members and their dependents through their time of need by paying all genuine claims promptly and with compassion.
Download File size: (90 KB)
Climate risks and opportunities report
This report is being updated.
Retirement Income Strategy
Retirement Income Strategy
To support members nearing or during retirement, with focused strategies to ensure they are getting the most out of their superannuation during this time.
Download File size: (107 KB)