MySuper Dashboard
Comparison between Return target and Return
For the year ended | Return |
30 Jun 2024 | 8.36 % |
30 Jun 2023 | 8.63 % |
30 Jun 2022 | -5.38 % |
30 Jun 2021 | 17.56 % |
30 Jun 2020 | -0.16 % |
30 Jun 2019 | 5.66 % |
30 Jun 2018 | 8.77 % |
30 Jun 2017 | 11.37 % |
30 Jun 2016 | 3.65 % |
30 Jun 2015 | 10.19 % |
Return target
2.9% p.a.
To outperform the Consumer Price Index (CPI) (after tax and investment expenses) by at least 2.9% p.a. over rolling 10-year periods.
Level of investment risk
Medium to High.
Likelihood of negative returns – three to less than four in 20 years.
Statement of fees and other costs
For a member with a $50,000 balance.
Members who seek moderate to high returns over the medium to long term and are prepared to accept some fluctuation in returns over the short term.
Investment style
Invests in a diversified range of investments, a mixture of growth and defensive assets.
Time horizon
10 years or longer.
10 Year Average Return as at 30 Jun 2024
6.69 %
Definitions and key terms
Comparison between return target and return
These graphs show the net investment return achieved by the investment option for each full financial year of the last 10 years. Where that option has been in operation for less than 10 years, the graphs show the returns for the full financial years since inception.
Please note: Where the option has been in operation for less than 10 years there is no 10 year moving average return or 10 year moving average return target.
Refers to the Consumer Price Index, an inflationary indicator that measures the change in the cost of a fixed basket of products and services, as released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Investment objective
The return expectations of the portfolio based on the current strategic asset allocation and our estimates of return expectations across the various asset classes that the Fund invests in. It is expected that the Fund will deliver this investment objective over a specified time period.
Investment risk
Shows the level of investment risk associated with the investment option, in accordance with the prescribed risk labels set out in the Standard Risk Measure developed by the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia and the Financial Services Council.
The investment return reported is as required by law. It is the investment return less the cost of investing and less administration fees and costs, based on an account balance of $50,000. This return is not equivalent to the investment return reported elsewhere by the Fund, and may not be the return actually credited to your account. This is the return of the investment option over either the last 10 whole financial years or, if the option and any predecessor option has been offered for less than 10 financial years, since inception of the investment option.
Return Target
The return target is a measure that is required to be disclosed by law, it is not a measure the Fund uses in portfolio construction, nor is it a measure of the return expectations of the Fund.
The return target is an estimate of the average return that can be expected from the portfolio over a 10-year rolling period, based on the strategic asset allocation of the Fund as it is currently structured. This means that roughly 50% of the time the portfolio will deliver a return that exceeds the return target and 50% of the time the portfolio delivers a return that is below the return target.
Obtaining a return that is equal to the return target is not guaranteed. The return target is an estimate of future returns based on the current strategic asset allocation of the portfolio. The actual asset allocation of the Fund does and will vary from the strategic asset allocation.
The method to calculate a return target is prescribed by MySuper legislation, and is intended as a way to compare different MySuper funds.
Statement of fees and other costs
Shows the annual amount a representative member (with an account balance of $50,000) would pay in administration and investment fees to be invested in the option as at the relevant year ending 30 June. This amount does not take into account any insurance costs or transactional account fees. For a full list of fees, refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement.
Target asset allocation
Weighting to each asset class for the investment option. This is a target as outlined in our investment strategy and may not reflect the actual asset allocation for the option.
This website contains general information only and does not take account of your personal circumstances. You should obtain personal advice where appropriate. This content is current as at the date of publication and subject to change. Prime Super (ABN 60 562 335 823) is issued by Prime Super Pty Ltd (ABN 81 067 241 016, AFSL 219723). A Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination is available from the issuer by calling 1800 675 839. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.