Death & TPD cover
With Death & Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover, you and your family are protected.
Death & TPD cover provides an insured lump sum in addition to your super account balance if you become totally and permanently disabled or die.
Key features
- $1.23 cost per unit per week
- cover to age 70
- choose between unitised and fixed cover
- Death only cover available if you choose not to have TPD cover
- Terminal illness cover is included at no additional cost
Do I have enough cover?
When you reach the age of 25 and/or have a balance of $6,000 or more, you automatically receive 4 units of default level of Death & TPD cover. It is important that you review your personal circumstances to determine whether the cover you have is right for you. You can log into your MemberOnline account and use the insurance needs calculator to help you work out how much insurance is right for you.
Increase your cover
You can apply to increase your cover (including applying for an occupational category) via your MemberOnline account or by completing an Insurance Application/Variation form
*Subject to eligibility
Terminal Illness cover included
The Death cover component of your Death & TPD insurance also includes Terminal Illness cover which provides an insured lump sum in addition to your account balance if you are diagnosed as having a terminal illness with a life expectancy 24 months or less.
Make other changes to your insurance
You can also decrease, or change your cover via your MemberOnline account or by completing an Insurance Application/Variation form or Insurance Reduction/cancellation/opt out form.
Don't want insurance cover? You can opt out.
If you have decided you don't want insurance cover with Prime Super, if you opt out within 60 days of receiving your Welcome Letter, we will refund any premiums you might have paid in that time. If you cancel your cover after that time, we will not refund your premiums. You can opt out via your MemberOnline account or by completing the Insurance Reduction/cancellation/opt out form.
Making a claim
You'll find information about making a death or TPD claim here.
Get help
We can help you determine the right cover for your needs. Call us on 1800 675 839.
Eligibility criteria, conditions and exclusions apply. For more detailed information about insurance with Prime Super, including premiums and coverage, refer to Section 8 of the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Member Guide.