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Fees & costs

As a fully independent, profit-to-members super fund, our fees are competitive; designed to meet the cost of fund operations, and not to maximise profit.

What are our fees?

Our fees can be divided into four main categories:

  • Administration fees and costs: used to run your super account.
  • Investment fees and costs: used for the professional management of the investments that make up your super.
  • Transaction costs: costs associated with the sale and purchase of assets other than buy-sell spreads.
  • Other fees and costs: other fees like government taxes and charges, operational risk reserve, transactional and operational costs, etc.
Type of fee Amount How and when paid

Ongoing annual fees and costs1

Administration fees and costs

Administration fees of $1.53 ($1.30 net) per week 


0.588% (0.500% net) p.a. of your account balance, capped at $588 ($500 net) p.a. 

Gross amount deducted from your account on the last business day of each month, except if you are leaving Prime Super, in which case it is deducted prior to your exit from Prime Super. Net amount is after a tax rebate.

Investment fees and costs2

0.07% to 0.85% of assets p.a. depending on the investment option

See the table below for a full list of investment fees and costs.

Taken into account prior to the declaration of weekly earning rates. This cost is not deducted directly from your account.

Transaction costs2

0.00% to 0.20% of assets p.a. depending on the investment option

See the table below for a full list of transaction costs.

Taken into account prior to the declaration of weekly earning rates. This cost is not deducted directly from your account.

Member activity related fees and costs

Buy-sell spread



Switching fee



Other fees and costs3


Activity fees are deducted from your account, when applicable. Insurance fees, if applicable, are charged on the last business day of the calendar month.

1 If your account balance for a product offered by Prime Super is less than $6,000 at the end of the financial year, certain fees and costs charged to you in relation to administration and investment are capped at 3% of the account balance. Any amount charged in excess of that cap must be refunded.

2 The amount of investment fees and costs and transaction costs is an estimate only and subject to change from year to year. Investment fees and costs include performance fees (ranging from 0.00% to 0.12%). Please refer to the Member Guide for more information.

3 Other fees and costs such as activity fees and insurance fees may apply. See Additional explanation of fees and costs in the Member Guide.

Estimated investments fees and costs

Investment option Investment fees and costs (p.a.)1 Transaction costs (p.a.)
MySuper/Balanced 0.37% (including 0.08% Performance fee) 0.20%
Managed Growth 0.36% (including 0.10% Performance fee) 0.11%
Alternatives 0.63% (including 0.11% Performance fee) 0.17%
Conservative 0.26% (including 0.04% Performance fee) 0.17%
Income Focused 0.44% (including 0.04% Performance fee) 0.10%
SRI Balanced 0.45% (including 0.00% Performance fee) 0.13%
Australian Shares 0.31% (including 0.12% Performance fee) 0.11%
International Shares 0.29% (including 0.11% Performance fee) 0.07%
Property 0.85% (including 0.10% Performance fee) 0.01%
Fixed Interest 0.19% (including 0.00% Performance fee) 0.02%
Cash 0.07% (including 0.00% Performance fee) 0.00%

1 Performance fees are a yearly average calculated on the basis (usually) of the experience of the Fund over the last 5 financial years up to 30 June 2024 and are not indicative of the amount payable in any given year. Past performance fees are not indicative of future performance fees