Product disclosure statements
Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) and related Member Guide provide important information about investing your super with Prime Super.
Key features
- Product information including super, investments and insurances
- Applicable fees and charges
- The benefits and risks of investing
- Application forms, should you wish to join Prime Super.
Super | Health division | Education division | Income Streams |
PDS - Super | PDS - Health division | PDS - Education division | PDS - Income Streams |
Member Guide |
PDSs may assist you as an employer or potential member, to assess the merits of joining Prime Super and to compare this product with other products you may be considering.
The Member Guide forms part of the Product Disclosure Statements. It contains detailed information about the features, fees and administration of Prime Super's products.
Prime Super's Super division is open to anyone who is able to choose their super fund, while the Health division is specifically for those employed in the health, aged care and related industries. The Education division is specifically for those employed in the education sector.
Income streams are suitable if you are looking for a Transition to Retirement or Retirement Income Stream account, as you approach retirement or fully retire from the workforce.
Please read these documents carefully before making any decision and call us on 1800 675 839 if you need any further information.
You can find a copy of the Target Market Determination here.