Why join Prime Super?
We're your people.
As your super becomes more of a focus, we offer personalised guidance on navigating the road ahead.
Find out how we're here for youWe’re proud
as punch to be a 100% independent profit-to-member super fund.

Open hearts, open minds.

No hidden agendas. Ever.
Keeping it real
With our focus on people and community, results for our members are our number one priority.
Our fees are value-driven, going towards giving you the service you deserve – real people are available to chat with you any time. Big funds can't do this.
We’re proud to have received top ratings and awards from industry-leading rating agencies.
Rainmaker Information
2024 AAA Quality Rating
2022, 2023, 2024 Best for Customer Experience
Performance proud
Our investment portfolio is designed to encourage strong, long-term returns, without excessive risk. Our disciplined, methodical approach has a strong track record, riding out short-term market fluctuations and building long-term results.
MySuper 10 year average rate
An initial investment of $100,000 made 10 years ago would now be worth
Imagine the possibilities
MySuper return 10 years to 30 June 2024. Please note past performance is not an indicator of future performance. This 10-year balance was calculated using Moneysmart's Superannuation Calculator. Income, fees, and tax were not considered in this calculation. The final balance has been adjusted for the rising cost of living (CPI inflation) at 2.5% each year. We recommend you read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making a decision about products on this website. The information contained on this website contains general information only and does not take account of your personal circumstances.
You should obtain personal advice where appropriate. This email is current as at the date of sending and subject to change. Prime Super Pty Ltd ABN 81 067 241 016 AFSL 219723 RSE L0000277 is the Trustee of Prime Super ABN 60 562 335 823 RN 1000276. A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination is available by calling 1800 675 839 or by visiting primesuper.com.au/pds.
“Prime Super provide me with friendly and efficient service, always respond to my queries in a way that I understand and leave me with great confidence.”

It's the little things...
That make a BIG difference
Our members are at the heart of all we do. In all things, from our governance frameworks and investment philosophy to our everyday practices right around Australia, we look after our members.
We are an efficiently run fund. We have the right number of people for our growing member numbers so we can give personalised service.
We’re an agile fund. When investment markets change, we can act. We don’t have the constraints of a mega fund and can actively seize opportunities as they present.
"Prime Super has genuinely given me peace of mind when economic times are tough and during the transition process into retirement. They really do care for you as an individual, not as a number."
Living your best life
now and in the future
Throughout every stage of your life, super works hard for you in many ways. Our customised superannuation options and personalised service help our members get the most out of their super at every age and stage.
Living life
It's hard to focus on the future when you're busy enjoying life and budgeting for those often costly milestones!
- Now's a great time to review your insurance check if it's still the right fit and update any beneficiaries.
- Get a solid idea of the amount to aim for so you can retire comfortably.
Eyes on the prize
Time to look ahead and boost your super.
- Can you contribute more to your super through salary sacrifice or voluntary contributions?
- Have a look at your investment strategy and ensure it's aligned with your goals.
Living your best retirement
You've made it!
- Our super specialists can work with you to develop an approach to retirement that best suits you.
- Consider a transition to retirement to ease out of working life into the next stage.
- Join a retirement income stream to fund your lifestyle.